Monday, August 8, 2011

YPO Global Pulse, a little Weaker

The YPO (Young Presidents Organization) quarterly Global Pulse survey of CEO confidence dipped slightly after the second quarter (and that was before the last week of economic news).

"Debt concerns in the EU periphery and the United States, rising interest rates in China, production slowdowns in Japan and higher oil prices caused by unrest in the Middle East all took their toll on CEO sentiment in the second quarter," according to YPO.

However, despite this decline confidence in the face of sovereign debt concerns and higher oil prices, CEO confidence in the European Union and the United States are not far from their highest levels on record. EU confidence dropped to 57.4 from its high of 59.8, and U.S. confidence dropped to 61.1, just 2.4 points off its high from the January 2011 survey.

Asia remains the world’s most optimistic region, however, the differential among Asia and the rest of the world narrowed.

The YPO Global Pulse represents insights into the global economy from YPO’s network of 18,000 CEOs in more than 100 countries representing more than 15 million employees and US $5.4 trillion in annual sales.

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